Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just around the River-...I mean Castle ...-Bend !

Last night at the end of a day full of beautiful Monastery/Abbey seeing and attempted paper writing Vilan, Sagan and I decided to take advantage of the somewhat quiet evening and finally venture out to find this 'Bar Bianco' that we have heard so much about.
On our way there we got a little lost and stopped to ask a nice couple for directions :
"Excuse me, do you know where Bar Bianco is ?"
"Bar Bianco? Ah Yes ! Just walk past the Castle and take a right"
Oh of course! just casually walk past the castle and take a right, just past the Castle NO BIG DEAL haha I love Italy !
I attempted to get a picture of the castle but it was huge ( I mean it is a castle after all) so I could only really get a corner Vilan and Sagan (above) and Sagan and I (below) infront of the castle on our way there
Shortly after passing the castle we found the infamous "Bar Bianco' and it was totally worth the hype; as my mom would say it was 'hoppin' haha

Oh and ofcourse we encountered a cute dog on the way there ! I think owning an adorable dog must be a requirement for citizenship in Milan

Vilans in the puppy pic today, that dog loved her it was so cute !

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