Friday, July 23, 2010

MiniGolf is Italian for HELL

Apparently the 3rd week of the program is the hardest, in terms of students getting homesick and stuff like that. So as a sweet gesture last night Dr. Wright gathered up the group and got us all to go out to Mini Golf. It sounded like a great idea, mini golf would be like a fun little piece of home riiiight?....WRONG
We arrived and noticed the first difference, NO COLORFUL BALLS this is a small problem but STILL noteworthy ..ontop of the lack of color they were also Dirrrty' (on a scale of 1-Christina Aguilera ..they were 'Stripped') ..we should've known right away somthin was up
Next difference, the turf that was once green was worn down to a grey color sand color ... it looked like no one had been to this place in decades.. definatly a problem but not too big ..we could still deal...
Ok heres where the real problems begin, the turf was COVERED in bugs ! it looked like an optical illusion because just the whole thing was moving..I tried to capture a picture but I didnt want to get to close, you can see two ants in this one:

The bugs would crawl on you if you stood still for too long, it was super hot we were all sweating like crazy and the mosquitoes were OUTTA CONTROL- the really aggressive type that bite through your clothes I must have gotten 15 new bites (including two on my BUTT).

We split into teams above is my team and I ( on the left Jennifer and in the middle Stephanie) joking around with them made it all a little more bearable.
When we finished and walked outside we saw most of the rest of the group accross the street..doesnt everyone look happy ?
haha so basically we were all MISERABLE but at least we were all miserable together was quite an experience
to top off the night the bus took FOREVER to come and mosquitoes continued to swarm

we saw some ridiculous but appropriate for the moment graffiti

Once we were on the bus we thought wed be safe from the bugs, but the driver took a smoke break before taking us anywhere (a pretty routine thing here). On these smoke breaks the doors and windows are left open so the mosquitoes decided to hop on the bus with us.
The picture below is Travis after killing some of the bugs that attacked us on the bus, make no mistake ..those spots on his hands arnt freakles...they're dead bugs

Even after all of that I still think the idea of mini golf was a really sweet one of Dr. Wright to have to cheer us up ! But just like communism it was better in theory.

1 comment:

  1. THAT is an awesome comparison: communism to mini-golf, omg, I love that!
