Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wifi, Gelato and Sales OH MY ! (Post for Monday July 5th)

Today was our first day at the university. There was a mix up so we didn’t have the Italian class we were supposed to have today instead we set up our Wi-Fi accounts at the school, which I’m super excited about because we are the only room back at the dorm that doesn’t have working internet. We explored campus and the downtown shopping area near it and its AHHH-mazzingg. Sales season just started , over here sales season is like one month with everything everywhere like 50% off so needless to say most stores are PACKED especially because it just started a few days ago.

I took this picture of the lines at H&M in the center of the city , it was so crowded!

Every day we get a 1-2 HOUR lunch break ( Italy you’ve officially stolen my heart ) . There’s a great café on campus where we can get lunch for super cheap, the only thing is all of the Italian students there can easily spot that you are American and tease you for it; but for a delicious 3 euro Sandwhich Im pretty sure I can deal.

Our Sodas from lunch today, the Coke cans are tall and skinny here kinda like red bulls it makes them so cute: America take note ! ( I should’ve taken a picture of the delicious Sandwhich too but it was so good I ate it all before I could think to do it)

Tonight went to an international student gathering at an old castle. There we joined up with the program that gets us into seeing Davinci’s the Last Supper in a couple of weeks. Soo yeah partying in a castle in order to secure our spot to see a classic reinessance piece of art; you could say It was a pretty good night

At the entrance of the Castle. No biggie.

Ridiculous picture of Sagan me and Travis on the way there on the metro
To get there we had to take the busses and the metro, it was the first time I had really traveled on them here, besides the bus to campus which is a straight shot back and forth . The busses and metro are all very confusing here to me; so many transfers- so much purse clutching so they won’t be stolen, so many creeps and SO much posing for cheesy pictures haha. In all actuality though I hope we never get lost, or that I at least get the hang of them soon
Tomorrow is our first day of real class and I’m pretty excited!

p.s I just realized I never wrote about Gelatio in this post even though its in the title ..

this is the Nutella flavored Gelato I had on the way home from class from a place down the street from our dorm. It was great but I think Pistachio will always be my favorite. :)

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