Friday, July 30, 2010

Last Post ?

I cannot believe I am writing my last blog post ! This month flew by. Unfortunately there won't be any fun pictures in this post due to computer problems (my charger was Taken like Laim Neeson's daughter..its MIA like paper planes !) But I can still write and thats interesting riight?

Today is our last day, we will have a test and than a farewell dinner tonight. In the morning Sagan, Vilan and I leave for Florence where we will be spending our last few days (until Tuesday) I am excited to see 'David' and go site seeing I have heard its beautiful there ! Wednesday night Sagan and I fly out of Roma to begin our long journey home ( Rome->Amsterdam, 12 hour layover (which were just gonna make the most out of and turn into a mini vacation !) then Amsterdam --> NYC -> Home !) sooo basically if you want to see me more tired than I ever have been in my whole life than come with My family and Dallas to pick me up at Ragan next week ! haha

Looking back on this whole experience I just feel so lucky to have gotten to spend the past month here studying abroad. I think I am lucky to have gotten great roommates that I have traveled all over the country with , to have had a great advisor who helped us out and guided us all the way through (shout out to D.Wright ! Don't think for a moment I have forgotten about the Ke$ha re-write I am preforming for you tonight !) to have seen all of the sites and traveled safely everywhere, and to have learned so much from all of it (like the difference between an island and a city ! )

Since I can't use photos in this post and being the musical theatre geek and all around nerd that I am I have decided that these two songs best capture my feelings right now, Enjoy :

I couldn't find a good Stephanie Mills or Diana Ross Version, so I turned to Glee

Cheesy? Yes, Necessary ? YES ! haha

One Last CIAO !

America I will see you soon ! :) I cant wait to see you next week family and friends, I've missed you all so much !

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