Thats basically what it looks like down there, so that couldn't have been right. I asked them agian but this time said " a machine to get Euro's from" and showed them a card that looked like a credit card. Then there was a moment of realization and they said 50 meters up on the left. They said somthing about the mix up and their public transit but I couldn't completely understand. I thanked them and eventually found what I had been looking for.
Today out of curiosity I googled it (its the American way) and apparently here ATM stands for Azienda Transporti Milanesi ..which IS milan's public transit station. So they thought I wanted to buy a metro ticket and therefore they were giving me PERFECT directions I had just asked for the wrong place. Here an 'ATM' for money is called a 'Bancomat'. I feel like I must have missed some big memo or chapter in the travel books about that one but now I know.
What a great blog! You did a great job and it seemed as if it totally captured the essence of your trip so far!