Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday was a Terrible Day (post for Tuesday July 6th)

Disclaimer: this post is a little bit like a rant. I'm sorry I promise I'm having the best time but its just how the day went :( so skip this one all together or go read the other posts after this because their much more fun !! haha

Today we woke up bright and early (for real though: 6:45, I havn’t done that since Highschool) to go to our first class. Our lecture was on Italian society overall, a lot of statistics on education, church, population, life expectancy, health care, differences between the north and south things like that. It was all very interesting, but a lot to take in I’ll defiantly have to look over the notes from today a few times before the next lecture or quiz.

During our sweet 2 hour Italian style lunch break I stayed in the classroom to take advantage of the Wifi , not having any in our room is really the only bad thing going on right now. I guess I just have to learn to be more efficient with the computer in the limited time I have it, but it makes it hard to write a research paper. Hopefully the internet will be fixed for us at the dorm soon.

After catching up on a lot of e-mails and finally setting up and posting my first blog entry I looked at the clock and lunch was basically over, so I checked my emails again only to find that every single one I had spent the first half of my lunch writing had come back to me with huge DELIVERY FAILED NOTICE’s…talk about efficient use of my internet time. The Italians may have it all together with their health care for everyone, but when it comes to electronics and internet they could learn a thing or two from us or at least from Steve Jobs . Everything that has to do with electronics or internet has been SUCH a struggle here and so frustrating; I guess I’m just ranting about it today because it’s been one of those days in terms of that.

The girls from my room and I decided to stay after class in our classroom on campus as long as we could to use the internet to work on school stuff but at 5 there was randomly a class (usually were supposed to have that classroom all day long WHATUPWITHTHAT!? telling of THOSE days) so we couldn’t stay there, we went back to the dorm decided to stop by Mediaworld, which is kinda like their best buy, to get some more adapters. Our room brought 3 adapters with us and 2 of them have been broken by the whack Italian electricity situation ( for the record the adapter I brought is the lone survivor, Thanks Mom for buying me a Champion !! haha) . Due to having only one adapter we can only use one electronic at a time which is hard with 4 people in 1 room, with camra chargers batteries laptops hairdryers ect. So back to Mediaworld, we went there and asked but they were all out and wouldn’t get more until next week, we asked “what day next week?” and the boy goes “oh by next Friday” in a super laid back Italian way; oh cool next Friday which is basically 2 weeks when our programs halfway over we can buy them …seriously one of THOSE days…and can ‘next Friday’ really count as ‘next week’ like I know it’s a part of next week but its basically 2 weeks form now..come on Mediaworld. Since all hope was lost with media world and our adapters and chargers we shifted our concentration to charging ourselves aka getting dinner.

We went to a pizza place down the street and made the biggest mistake EVER. We got a pizza with a lot of toppings on it we couldn’t really read the menu but we figured we we’re hungry and in Italy the pizza capital of the world and for the past week the random flavors everywhere else have been delicious so why not ? We’ll here’s why not: ANCHOVIES AND CAPERS. Not just any anchovies but ANCHOVIES WITH BONES IN THEM and CAPERS SO SALTY THEY ACTUALLY BURNED..SERIOUSLY BURNED…I don’t even think they were capers I think it was the salt you put on the road when it snows just painted caper color (which is an ugly shade of brownish-green fyi) . ALL OVER THE PIZZA. Like ALL OVER, like you could only eat the crust. At this point we pretty much threw in the towel for the day, nothing had seemed to go right.

A few minutes after we got back to the dorm though there was a knock on our door, it was Dr. Wright. She told us to come out onto the veranda/roof deck area, because tonight the fog that is usually blocking Milan’s view of the Swiss Alps had cleared (which is pretty rare) and you could see the Alps from our deck. So we went out

its hard to capture the view on camera but it was really pretty

we stayed out there untill it got dark and watched the sunset which was even prettier

It was a very beautiful surprise ending to what had been a frustrating day. It put things back in perspective; I’m here studying abroad with a great group of people in a beautiful city and I’m fortunate and happy to be here experiencing all of it; the good (sunsets) and the bad (anchovies), and a really bad day can always turn into a really great night.

p.s Mom if your reading this post , doesn’t this all sound very similar to a classic children’s tale penned by a certain 2nd grade student Circa 1996 ? haha

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